Pit & Pond Liners

Fabtech's liners are an effective and economical secondary containment system, which can be used in a variety of applications including:

  • Wicking Bed Liners
  • Ornamental Pond Liners
  • Planter Box Liners
  • Water Feature Liners
  • Self-Install Dam Liners

Fabtech's liners are generally manafactured from a specified geomembrane material and are available in a variety of thicknesses. This material has been manafactured with optimum chemical and physical properties to provide stability and flexibility in a wide range of environments. These properties, which include an improved resistance to tear, puncture and weld seam damage make the product suitable for a wide range of applications.

Due to the low density of the material, it has one of the lowest water transmission rates of any of the common geomembrane materials, making it one of the most suitable waterproofing membranes available. The long-term flexibility and UV resistance of the material allows it to be easily repaired if damaged. As the material is free from fillers, plasticisers, lubricants and other toxic stabilisers and meets AS/NZS 4020:2005, it is suitable for use in contact with drinking water and therefore is ideal for tanks, reservoirs, ponds and lakes.